The Marvelous Toy Marc Rossio
Age appropriate music and entertainment shared with humor, high energy & enthusiasm!Songs are originals from his current CD's "Batteries not included" and L'Chaim - To life!" and well known children's classics. Music for all ages. Bring your inner child!The Marvelous Toy schedule fills quickly Book him for your event soon!

Click here to see a calendar of dates and locations
- Coming to Cinci, Cleveland, Chicago Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, and others.
Book him while in your city!
- XM Radio plays "The Toys" Music!

December 2008 XM Radio Chanukah played 9 of 14 songs from the CD "L'chaim - To Life!"
- I want your comments & photos!
Email: marc@themarveloustoy.com
Marc's newly released CD, "Batteries Not Included" was inspired by his children, Hannah and Jack. Marc was raised in a home filled with humor, music, creativity, and love, and he would like to share these gifts with all children.
Click on a CD below to visit the "Toy" Store!